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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  April 8, 2013 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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that is my $0.2. have a great night we will see you here tomorrow. lou: good evening everybody. thank you for being with us obamacare taking the gun control campaign to connect it with connecticut -- critics noting that they are using connecticut as the backdrop. before loading these families on a return trip to washington to lobby congress just three days after the governor signed a sweeping new gun control provisions into law after jay kearney took a shot at the courage
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of senate republicans. >> the president called on them to vote on the issues and live up to that applause when the cameras were on. and not to take the less courageous route by using procedural measures to block the vote. what would they say to the victims of newtown? lou: john mccain of arizona leaving many scratching their head. standing with the white house with the sentiment but the white house is not speaking for all families who lost loved ones during the new town shooting. here is matt to lost his son james telling made in kelly why he believes will why more gun-control law is not the answer. >> and control works for people who abide by the law.
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criminals to conduct most of the gun crime don't care about the locker area of the then space you need to enforce the law that you have. lou: though whitehouse complaints about the republican attitude toward compromise. >> the present is having dinner with senate republicans on wednesday night and will continue to talk so we will open in the conversation but the approach the sickly the leadership is my way or the highway. lou: you may recall from those we can't wait campaign it has been the white house way or the highway. signing 36 executive actions since april of last year. also we will look at the congress back in session and immigration reform and the congressmen from texas joins us and also facing jail for
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get refusing to die poulterer sources for the aurora colorado shooting and south korea on full alert for a north korean missile launch. former pentagon official joins us to talk about when and where. new polls tonight for a committee to investigate last year's deadly been gauzy attacked -- benghazi attack with the group of special operations veterans are now asking congress to get the answers for the american people. our correspondent has the live report. >> signed by more than 700 and operations of the group is best known for the hard-line stance against what is described as
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damaging national security leaks with the raid that killed osama bin london and they explained why benghazi still matters. >> if we wait long enough maybe it will go away but we owe the truce to the american people and particularly the families of the fallen. >> and includes a 16.investigation from the documented warnings before the attack to the realtime decisionmaking of the president and secretary clinton and the defense department on the night of september 11th it reads in part america has held to the notion of american is left behind in every effort will be made to respond when personnel are threatened. we are concerned this sends a negative message to future military and diplomatic personnel. the mother of john smith to works at the state department and was killed at the consulate backs the special committee because the families are still in
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the dark. >> when they were supposedly watching this in realtime my son is dead but then see -- hours later this heels got him. why is the government doing that? >> one republican aide said the committees are investigaaing benghazi they will hold the white house and administration accountable. speaker and a select committee would require a new budget of its own. lou: kathryn, thank you very much for our chief intelligence correspondent. turning to the murder investigation with the texas district attorney and his wife and an assistant to months ago both the aryan brotherhood and the mexican
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drug cartel could be behind the assassination. joining us now is on the house foreign affairs committee and also the executive member and former prosecutor and a congressman and. great to see you. are there e. f. resources right now being devoted? federal and state resources to bringing these killers to justice? >> the texas rangers, fbi rangers, fbi, local and state law enforcement are working on the case diligently and also the small counties so they need more resources from the state now the feds have been asked to come in. lou: we were first told the implication that was the area and brotherhood then what i have not heard in my career is a connection,
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alliance solid relationship between the brotherhood in the mexican drug cartels and authorities looking at that as perhaps this source of the killers. >> it looks to me it was an organized criminal activity ed gain of some type whether the drug cartel or the aryan brotherhood that the d.a.'s office was investigating or they were working together to the intimidation and murder like they do in mexico they kill the judges judges, the police chief and and and it's the criminal investigation that all-night happen in the united states so they could be working together in this criminal enterprise. lou: texas is unique that it is one of the safest places in the country the border
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cities of texas are among the safest in the country. across the border however the cartel's rule and raged 20,000 people are missing over the last five years and northern mexico give us your best judgment how long we will ignore the reality. >> contrary to what the administration says the border is not secure. it is better in -- benny used to be in some places it is worse. the main problem is the drug cartel that comes back and forth at will and now they quit bringing drugs now they're into racketeering, kidnapping and human trafficking for money. this just a matter of time we will see more events like the one.
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lou: this is not often discussed with the men's corruption in mexico everything in the government is tainted and. all of it is domestic services. no one talks about the corruption in the americas. and and not heaving counting those to get away anywhere between 25 through $50 billion of drugs across the border and a homeland secretary saying everything is just fine the national media sucks it up like a sponge and goes about its business. this is sickening what is happening on the border and people are not paying attention to talk about comprehension immigration reform.
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tell us what we should think >> you should think they don't just operate in mexico but they operate in the united states. chicago has named a mexican drug cartel as the most wanted man in america. the head of the sonoma drug cartel. he operates his business in chicago. we should understand the obvious the drug cartel is in the united states operating because the border is not secure. when we talk about immigration reform we always have to talk about let's do something we haven't done to secure the border. we have to do all of those but certainly not neglect border security. lou: i have always maintained throughout this discussion over a decade how can anybody talk about comprehensive immigration reform without demanding
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border security? it only follows that if you are to reform immigration laws you must control immigration and if you control its you must control the borders. i have not seen that defeated yet. it is long past the time that they rethink that they secure the border in realize it is the national security issue. we have the policy catch them if you can but that means they are not on the border but behind it and try to catch as many as they can and send a few back. we need to have security on the border like most nations and change that philosophy then we may have security to use that equipment we bring back from iraq and afghanistan on the border they all want that unused equipment we should use said the american taxpayers pay
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for it. we have to. it is not secure even though the administration says no -- says so. lou: but it is problematic with the enemies we have been fighting against for more than a decade it would be nice to put that equipment in the hands of share of sore local police departments but that makes too much sense for the federal government to grasp. hopefully they will start to listen. [laughter] >> what is more on the future of immigration reform. stay with us. >> the obama administration has a knack of another failed dream car company costing taxpayers millions of dollars more. how do they do it?
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lou: them in an alcoa beat on earnings and missed on revenue and are chief investment strategist is here to tell us what is ahead but first what happened on wall street today after the opening the stock prices moved higher at the finish the s&p up 10 and the nasdaq up 18 the volume 2.8 billion which is typical
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these days and after the closing bell of:kicks off the earnings season with of beets and disappointed on revenue it rallied in to the news and is down after hours trading and the j.c. penney stock after the bell the ceo is out. and rising back above $93 per barrel and the treasuries are yielding. a leak outlook by some expecting by just 1.6% could be that bad? by next guest says we could see a surprise to the upside joining us now the chief investment strategist for ubs wealth management good to see you. >> this is a nice rally today.
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not typical of monday to see the upside. your thoughts? i know there was some tremors because of foul call was. >> today's rally have little to do with the earnings season may be more from the fallout of friday and with japan although it was weak the economy is not rolling over but at of japan's central bankers of pride -- provide the support that the business managers are looking for. lou: that is shocking. so many say i hate and bernanke and we need to pull the punch bowl away and how will you accept for -- exit kiwi three now the markets are cheering one point* four stimulus by the bank of japan?
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i don't know it seems like insincerity on the part of some. >> when you see the market reaction they have to deal with the reality of the central bank's that said we will do three things. we will take the risks away from the extraordinary events, a target better economic outcome and facilitator a better environment. >> it is hard to bet against the central bank's. we don't fight the fed, the bank of england and japan and china. lou: european central bank is starting to line up where some of the countries over there insisting on a little more reserved and prudence than me but like. not as easy money as this government would like. will europe get on board?
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>> their dynamics are a bit different. they have to be careful because they talk about an area with different political issues and growth prospects with germany or france or italy or spain they will not take a single-minded approach but that does not mean they will not provide additional support. by doom see them to shore up the financial system to provide enough liquidity we do not see the risk to permeate to become a structural issue. >> earnings you are out of luck we will get about 3% earnings growth but current expectations are 5% so that shows be our on track to get 6 percent over the year. lou: the outlook for the markets? >> it is still two steps forward and one step back. they do not move in a straight line but with the backdrop of moderately improving economic growth
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and a decent earnings outlook that suggest the market will go higher. lou: and a positive reaction to the president's budget? i could not help that. i could not resist. [laughter] thank you. always good to talk with you. now a remake of the 1981 movie evil dead earning $26 million and tying for second place are the croods and third-place g.i. joe retaliation. facing jail time because she refuses to divulged sources with the aurora colorado shooting. "dobb's law" and the "chalk talk" as the government chooses winners and losers with the energy department.
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lou: the obama administration has done it again choosing another green energy losers spending millions and billions of taxpayer money in the process. this your automotive wiring senate represented of the work force after the chinese did not want to buy the company after all and that is 160 jobs gone after it was backed by a $529 million loan guarantee feel good about it fiskar could only cap 100 -- taft 193 million. we are shocked but this is
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not our first rodeo. a 123 now owned by a chinese company that changed its name, at a 123 is now before 56 and you thought the chinese did not have a sense of humor. it benefited from a $250 million grant and so linda got $528 million and they went belly up. the next one receiving 180 million and did you know, what happened?
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they went belly up -- belly up. and also receiving $43 million how about that? it seems like chump change only 43 million taxpayer dollars solar panel company abound solar crop 400 million we will kick it back up here i guess i don't need to point* it out is fun to say they went belly up. so we lay out all of the losers that the administration has picked and week keep looking for the winners they talk about how successful they are. we have one. tesla received $465 million
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to build electric cars and doing very well recently announcing it will be paid the money five years ahead of schedule. it has not turned a profit but we're optimists. we're right there with you on the administration and tesla says it will turn a profit this quarter so we will put it on the winner's side blast quarter was a $75 million loss we're not sure yet but this would be blank otherwise so we need this company. so does the new bombing administration. -- obama administration but the president has been investing in these companies it is clear why he went into government work this would not be his career path. an effort to create 5 million green jobs.
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bear with me this will require a leap of faith a little. the bureau of labor statistics was counting those jobs, three point* 1 million jobs have been tallied but they were counting things like the hybrid bus driver in farmers to install water saving toilets those are green jobs. i would love to tell you how many more of those have been created but the bureau of labor statistics stopped counting them because are you ready? because of the sequester. convenient? we will be right back. '' more threats? refusing to back down but some say the administration is blinking wait too much. k.t. mcfarland is here next. vice president is making more news just chilling and
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brutal honesty. then national liberal media is an accomplice to this administration and the fox reporter stands alone against the power of the state. "dobb's law" is on the case. it's monday. a brand new start. your chance to rise and shine. with centurylink as your trusted technology partner, you can do just that. th our visionary cloud infrastructure,
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lou: sequester budget cuts could delay the terrorism trial of the son-in-law at trial of osama bin on the new was in a new york cut courtroom today suggested the trial be delayed until next year. the attorneys are furloughed for more than five weeks and they don't think there will be ready for the september start date. of calling better judge oil sign whether the investigative reporter goes to jail at issue is a
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refusal to reveal her sources for the exclusive story of the aurora theater massacre. she was the first to write about a notebook by the shooter sent to a psychiatrist about his plans to kill. joining us now is trial attorney when we start with you this is trying to get a source. as anyone who's ever been a reporter is infuriated. how can this be allowed? >> the defense brings the motion because they feel they gag order was violated and they have to prove under colorado law there is a defense in then we see how
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the judge decides the case. >> i agree. if you lift up the hood you will see there is no engine to the argument the only way they can override the first amendment if they clearly demonstrate but they made a general contention it will make it hard to have a fair trial. they have been a bad job to articulate that although their client is a mass murderer that should be thrown in jail the defense attorneys are pointing to the fox reporter if she does not comply she should go to a jail. it is unbelievable and you cannot make this up. lou: and at the time working at the new your time spent 85 days in jail she wrote a column that she is not optimistic that she will avoid jail but you are very
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optimistic that she will? >> i think under the law in this it is clear there is no substantial interest to does not override the first amendment so she should avoid jail so you never know what the judge will do. there would-be the appeals process of she is ordered but the first amendment is so important, people will be afraid to talk to reporters if they go to jail if they do not reveal a confidential source. lou: colorado has a shield law it would be overridden as everyone in the news business says it is a chilling affect it is unacceptable. also dan said you never know what a judge will do what kind of business are you wind? >> it is unbelievable in a situation like this that you could have a historic ruling
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but if i was her i obviously would not cooperate at all but she has a procedural argument. i understand from the venue of a colorado judge has the authority to order a reporter from new york to be dragged into court. i think she has a good argument on the substance but there are so procedural arguments that and how colorado court to take the subpoena to step down a new york throat. she could say come and get me. lou: we will find out what people are saying in texas. to district attorneys and the assistant and his wife dead and we will talk about what is happening to the law and law enforcement in the great state of texas. next.
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lou: we are back with attorneys dan schorr and in texas and i cannot recall any point* in my career what appears to be a clear attack on law-enforcement and prosecutors. dan, your reaction? >> it is terrifying and a departure from criminal activity in the past. prosecutors deal with dangerous criminals and there are threats but normally they don't target the prosecutors because even if you kill one another one will take the case. here they try to send a message not only going after a couple of them but also their wife is a dangerous development. lou: if you look at what is happening the assistant u.s.
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attorney withdrawing from a racketeering case for security reasons with no direct relation to the murders of the assistant d.a. and the district attorney. your reaction? >> the intention to send a terrorizing message was heard loud and clear and it is more critical than ever the justice department become more involved. they're doing an honorable job history has shown with history of violence it is critical for the justice department to get involved tampering federal reserve -- sources to get to the bottom of this. lou: the share of bin west virginia shot down and murdered and the end of this cannot be a coincidence in my mind it has to be whether
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it is drug store but never it may be. >> it appears that way because it is targeting specific prosecutors working on cases we also had a wife killed so this does not seem to be the work of a random street the budget targeted, organized that the federal government will get involved with and that is important. >> the fbi have a lot of agents already there. i talked with congressman when i hear the connection of aryan brotherhood it is a formidable force of our society and for evil i don't
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know the adequate for satin know of too much would apply for prosecution? >> i agree. it is a serious problem that raises logistics' and concerned with immigration because of there is a potential tie between the aryan brotherhood network and the mexican drug cartel that raises immigration enforcement concern. if we don't have a common denominator with the criminal justice system than we have a big problem and we will drop out of the floor on enforcement and prosecution. i agree and hopefully the joint task force to bring resources together to get to the bottom of this terrible crime. lou: have we made a terrible mistake not to pursue vigorously the war on drugs? we still get 25 or $50 million of drugs every year. >> a lot of resources go to
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the war on drugs maybe they need to be more focused with border security in a more effective way we need to think about a smarter way to do it. lou: i was talking about the value of the drugs across the border. >> i think the war on drugs should continue to exert resources. but we know in washington we have a budget crisis and budget shortfalls and the sequestered and in a situation where we have a shortage of resources with the federal government with these other guarantees better blasted through these other issues. that is with prices of confidence to bring these resources to bear. lou: when you talk about the budget, the sequester that it will be $44 billion this
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fiscal year is less than the estimated amount of money that flows across that border in drugs. secondly, as you heard earlier, the border patrol has pulled back the agents from the border itself in will apprehend only those within its reach something they learned under the bush administration to know he fact. -- e. fact and i will be continuing to work on your names by a promise we want you to join the discussion including the facebook page for the latest videos and gas and what i am recommending.
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then name roger ailes have a certain ring to it. i don't know why that is. e-mail me at or twitter at lou dobbs news. we will show the evidence next. stay with us.
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lou: seven schilling honesty for vice president joe biden over the weekend on the obama agenda. >> the task that we have now is to create a new world order because the global order is changing again and
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the institution that worked so well in the post-world war two era past to be changed. lou: apparently it will be dead new world order according to the vice president. that is an extraordinary statement from a vice president of the weekend. one oregon gun company says it is considering the offer to relocate to texas. called competition a manufacturer of rifles has a shot bin breckinridge texas after the state said they would impose tougher gun laws there also threatening to lead to netiquette that it has called home 175 years. connecticut just enacted one of the strongest of laws in the country despite the fact that it contributes $1.7 billion each year to the economy from bad gun
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companies. listen to this promo. >> we have never invested as much of public education as we should have because we have a private notion of children that your kid is yours with your responsibility we have not had the notion that these are our children we have to break to their private idea that kids belong to their parents or family is but rather whole communities. lou: they are not your kids? they are going crazy. the threats are not slowing down for north korea what is the administration doing about it? we will do just that with k.t. mcfarland. next.
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lou: south korean officials backtracking after first suggestions a north korea nuclear test was imminent. they suspended. joining us now, former pentagon official, kt mcfarland. what do you make of withdrawing from joint operation, there, with the south? >> what the north is doing is trying to rash et cetering to r, this is one few thing that is good for north korea by telling south korea workers you have to go home, thissa an effort to ramp up the rhetoric, i don't think they think there is a war coming but they want you to think that there is a war coming. lou: i want to find out what you think what the obama administration thinks about the north korea -- >> you are asking me?
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to talk about what the obama administration is thinking? lou: saying that the obama administration is -- i want to use the words, absolutely not caving to north korea threats by delaying the fires of a minute man ibm this week, are they? >> yeah, but right now nobody wants a war in the korean peninsula, right now have you a reckless, irresponsible north korean leader who might drag everyone into that. at the end of the week, i think he will shoot down the missile, i don't think we shoot it down unless it is it headed for north korea. lou: the world is baby sitting this outrageous bernality. >> he is like a suicide bomber. lou: and he has nuclear -- >> he has nukes, that is the problem, he now has nukes when this is over, i think it will be
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over, i don't think we'll go to war at the end of the day, but what will have happened? after the bush administration, clinton administration, he will have nuclear weapons. lou: tell me, what would war with north korea look like? would we send troops like -- that worked out so well in 1950. or send icbns that would in my opinion be the appropriate response it would not risk our troops or pilots. >> what a war would potentially looks like, you stumble into it for example north korea test fire a missile this week. >> you are not building great confidence in our national security right now, stumble -- >> that is the whole problem you know -- we keep making speeches, north korea can't have nuclear weapons iran can't have nuclear weapons there is a red line between that and chemical weapons, every time, obama
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administration does not enforce what they say they will ep force, what does that do? everyone looks at that and says, well, you know, they can't be trusted to carry out their threats, why are they making threats in the first place? lou: that is my last question to you. why are they making these threats, the u.s., there is some magical line that can't be crossed. they -- north korea has the weaponry. they have this matt man run a-- mad man running around like a bellicose moron, and people scratching their heads, i don't get it we have 35,000 troops sitting on the dmz . >> a trip wire. lou: i hate that. >> a terrible word. lou: a terrible situation. kt mcfarland, terrific analysis we appreciate it. >> thank you. lou: bringing in light and truth to the matter, that is it for us, thankou


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